Adult Dating Sites - Why Are They So Popular?

>> Saturday, July 28, 2012

By Jayde Johannsen

Adult dating sites are ridiculously popular these days! I visited one recently and it boasted over 34 million members. How does that happen? I've never seen such numbers at normal dating sites. Why are they so popular? These numbers make adult dating sites look mainstream, while normal dating site with their relatively paltry numbers look positively "niche".

But the behavior at adult dating sites don't reflect the day to day behavior of people in society. People typically don't go straight to sexual relations. They date, get to know the person, and it progresses from there. So why are these sites so popular?

Clearly the dating site "profile" plays a big part in this. It gives us anonymity from the people we are communicating with, and the rest of the world, till we build a level of trust. As such, the exposure to rejection and pain associated with such rejection is much less on the internet than in real life. Ie. There is very little opportunity for public humiliation. But does this allow people to be more direct, courageous and honest about chasing their sexual desires? Is "under the cloak of darkness" a very real factor here?

But the question that sits in my mind is whether this new honesty will spill over from these websites and change society itself? Will people start being more honest about their wishes in the "Adult Dating" sense, upon meeting people in society as well as online? Or will that always be too difficult without the cover of an internet profile?

How will dating evolve? Will flirting and good manners gradually disappear, to be replaced by a more direct form of communication. A direct question followed by a direct answer, all based on a courage born from a loss of sensitivity to rejection.

Or will it go the other way? Will we lose our social skills, only being forthright when we have the cover of an "internet alias" or the like.

Sometimes I spend quite sometime thinking about such things. For now though, I'll put those thoughts aside. There are over 30 million people at this new website I just joined, thats a lot of people to meet, I am going to be busy.

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Tips On Winning Back Your Love

>> Monday, May 7, 2012

When it comes to relationships, many people have had to deal with break-ups. A break-up is painful, and burying your head in the sand won't solve anything. You do not have to despair. If you really want to make amends to win back your love, there are some tips that will help you out.

In order for a break-up to take place, something must have gone wrong somewhere. You need to deal with whatever it was that brought about the break-up in order to win your love back. This means that you must be prepared to make necessary adjustments in order to rectify what went wrong.

Make corrections

Perhaps your break-up was as a result of something wrong that you did. You should take deliberate efforts to undo whatever it was. Of course, there are some things that can not be turned back. But even in such a case, you should make your former love know of your change of heart and see that you could have changed it if it were possible. In case the break-up was as a result of something you neglected to carry out, ensure that you do it.

Taking such steps will not be enough to win your love back. However, they will prepare the ground for sowing the seeds of love once more. Unfortunately, many people who try to make amends leave it at this point.

Re-awaken your love

Although it may seem very natural, many people do not actually follow up and try to make their former loves be interested in getting back with them. This is a serious omission. For example, you do not expect to win back your love in case you do not take necessary steps to pacify the anger with which you separated.

Be pleasing although you may not really feel like it, and your feelings will follow your actions. This is something that requires great discipline. Let your good qualities shine in the darkness of your break-up. Improve on them and let them show themselves without speaking about them verbally.

As you take steps to win back your love, you should take note of the effects of your efforts. There are times when you will be more successful by giving your former love some space.
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Online Dating Love Tips

So you have decided to venture into the world of online dating with the hopes that the internet can hook you up with great people for fun, excitement or long term relationships from the millions of other like you who have also logged in to find their perfect match.

Then you find the dating sites and end up confused, overwhelmed and perhaps ignored, pestered or having a generally miserable time because you do not know how the game works and how to find the gems in the vast sea of incompatible people that also inhabit this online space.

You may need these online dating love tips to give you a head start into virtual dating that can have you flirting and finding wonderful matches in no time at all!

1. Your Profile Your profile is hands down the most important part of finding love online because it is the window into your personality, interests, appearance and what you are looking for. The people who find the most success in dating online have discovered that you must be aware of these things:

Be honest, do not start a relationship off with deception. This applies to your profile picture as well as your written profile. You are not trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes here, you are trying to find someone who likes you for you!

Be unique. everyone likes to hang out with friends, laugh, watch movies etc, etc that is text that is ignored. Put in your interests in detail and what makes you unique and special so instead of saying you like music list what type of music you like and so forth.

Do not be too verbose. While you need to be detailed do not write a novel!

List what you are looking for in a partner in general terms to encourage those with the right traits to contact you!

2. Be active Use the tools of the dating site to your advantage. Contact many people who are of interest but only take things further to those that you build a rapport with using the email, live chat, and even video chat to help you find the right person for you.

Don’t be shy also, flirt using the virtual “kisses” and “smiles” and so forth and feel free to be a bit naughty as it shows confidence which is attractive to both men and women. Remember this is not about focusing on one person but building a large list of possible candidates and narrowing it to only the few that you really want to see in person as that is the only way to be sure.

3. Find the Right Dating Site This online dating love tip is not really about love but it is vital for dating success as there are many websites out there including free sites which often have uncommitted members who are not serious about the process and the more stable, better equipped paid sites that boast large user bases and members willing to pay and be involved for a better quality of potential lovers.

Find the site that caters to your particular persuasion be it sexual, religious, racial. Also find the sites that are geared to the kind of relationship you are looking for be it intimate encounters, fun dating or long term relationships.
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